Friday, 9 December 2022

Personality, Entertainment, Fun (that doesn't sound like most marketing communications, does it?)




Done for you communications

Fill in the blanks

That kind of short cutting, the hack-the-communication and marketing system process, is gathering mucho online pace and momentum.

But why is that the case?

Because there are way too few creative marketing minds having the originality and brains to make their business, or that of their clients, be filled with personality and authentic ideas... to come up with interesting, fun and entertaining ways to present, promote and offer what's being offered.   

And that's super important. 

Because in today's business environment, if you plan to be like everyone else... to speak and communicate like they do... to use the same ideas and thinking they do... to give the same reasons and rationales they do for their products and services...    

Then no surprises here...your ideas and your copy won't stand out and get attention. It'll blend in and look like everyone else’s on the block. 

That'll of course mean you're not going to create any kind of unique difference and positioning in the marketplace. 

And yet, that's exactly what you have to strive for if you want that unique positioning.   

It comes as no surprise that we live in an attention deficit world where there's an obvious impatience in that most people want things, and they want them, now. 

They're easily bored. Easily distracted. Happy to flip onto something else in a heartbeat.

And that's why you need work diligently and differently, in order to not only capture attention, but to keep it and to continually keep it in an ongoing way.

Now that can't happen by guesswork, or by wishing and praying.

It takes a deliberate shift of thinking and a deliberate shift of perspective.

The problem with that?   

Many marketing 'Pros' and Owners suffering with 24/7 lazy-brain-itis.

The result of that?  

It's far more convenient and far too easy to reach for a canned, ready made, off-the-shelf solution when it comes to thinking, creating ideas, coming up with different unique angles to sell and promote. 

And when they do that...

They're not really realising that by employing that lazy recliner way of doing things, they instantly destroy using their / the businesses'... own personality in their communications. 

That's what happens when abdicating out to the wooden, off-the-shelf, solution -- you suffocate the core asset of the business -- its character, its essence, its personality.  

And if that wasn't enough... 

By sticking with being a commodity based communication business, the business destroys the whole communications and selling process from being fun and entertaining -- both for the Owner / Marketing Pro, and, more importantly... for the customer or recipient of the communications, promotions and presentations.

And look...

In today's marketing and communications world, we're all being starved from having communications being fun and entertaining.

Let's change that.

Want a clear cut example of how to bring the entertainment and fun factor into your communications? Then let me show you how I brought a yawnful presentation letter, back to life. (In fact, look at the whole communication piece here and ask yourself this core question - were you entertained, or not, would you buy the products, or not!?)  

(Important: it does not matter what business category you are in, or what you sell and promote - you can take the ideas you find in the communication piece above and see how you can apply them to your communications and promotions because I guarantee you that there IS a way to make your communications fun, interesting, entertaining.)    

  FREE BOOK shows you how to write entertaining emails that get opened, read and bought from.