Saturday 2 September 2023

How to dilute your marketing voice, right out of the game

There are very few businesses being driven with their own unique personality.

Bluntly, most 'businesses voices and personalities' are either too medicinal and industrial, or just plain timid and non unique.

There are also others creating copycatting versions of some other personality or voice in the marketplace who actually does have clout and positioning and presence.

But, what if you actually do have a unique voice and positioning, (or you want to have that uniqueness from the get go) how do you actually dilute and water down that voice, without you actually realising that it's happening?

One way is to have some other voice represent you in your marketing and communications. And in that process, have them end up not sounding like you at all. A cheap suit version.  

And that happens when someone aiming to represent you, doesn't have a deep understanding of your mannerisms, your little quirks and foibles, your way of structuring sentences, your use of analogies and metaphors, your unique language patterns.    

They've not mastered, you. 

They're not interested in creating an Oscar winning performance for you on your behalf.     

And diluted, fake representations in communications can be spotted a mile away by the right audience, just like a knock off Luis Vuitton clutch bag can be spotted by a keen-eyed bag connoisseur.  

The ever respected pioneers of the direct response marketing world, Jay Abraham and Dan Kennedy, have recently had their personalities in print, be clumsily butchered by cheap representations of those speaking on their behalf's.

For specific reasons (amongst them being lack of time and poor health) their once powerful communications and messages, have been outsourced and as such, given the cheap fake version by those who just haven't locked in to how JA and DK actually think, speak and write.

Now they may think they know. But it certainly doesn't come across in the various communications. 

Now to be fair, the headline of this post doesn't necessarily suggest that they'll both be diluted right out of the marketplace because of having their voices watered down and neutralised by those attempting to sound like them in print (they've too much marketing positioning and embedment into the market's psyche). 

But, it does suggest that if you're an owner, an entrepreneur, a business builder or marketer, you want to find your own unique voice and bring that to the marketplace.

And, to not be a watered down version of anyone else.

Doesn't matter what the industry, business sector or niche...

There's ALWAYS room for the non-conformists, the unconventionals, the contrarians, the thud creators, the rebels with a cause, the bold and the courageous. 

Play the communication and positioning game like everyone else and guess what, you'll quite rightly get labelled and commoditised as a sound-a-like, a mee-too, a samey samey.   

Fact is, many like (and revel in it to some extent) being the tribute band version. 

The AI incarnation of an existing voice. 

No unique creativity or thinking, required. 

And that's probably why it's an acceptable way to be for many.    

It's a path of little to no resistance.

But, when you're the authentic cat on the block, no one can mess with your standing by way of trying to copy it and then create their own marketplace uniqueness.  

Can't happen.    

Richard Branson - unique voice and personality.
Steve Jobs - unique voice and personality
Muhammad Ali - unique voice and personality
Elvis Presley - unique voice and personality

The good news is you do NOT have to be a goliath in the game of business, entertainment or sport in order to create a unique positioning (clue - they all started at one time with just an idea and nothing else, and grew into the giants they were) so... having fat whopping marketplace positioning and access to unlimited resources isn't the name of the game.

Being a unique voice in a marketplace that's filled with conformity and dullness IS the name of the game. 

Want to create a UNIQUE marketplace voice? Then start with getting the FREE BOOK that'll help you find your personality and voice in your writing.