Monday 23 August 2021

Don't BORE... Entertain! (marketing samples galore)

It's easy to be a lazy bones, boring communicator and copywriter.

Simply look around at what everyone else is doing, and do something incredibly similar. 

The danger in that?

When you consider almost 80% to 90% are wrong in almost everything, in all professions, businesses and industries, you're onto a losing game. (Especially in marketing and advertising) 

The numbers are stacked against you.

Take a look at the email subject lines/headlines below I've created for various businesses.

What strikes you about them?

Where's the 'sameness' in them compared to others you see in the respective marketplaces? 

Where's the "oh yawn, boring" factor in them?

Now most importantly for you, after you go through them, ask yourself or your team how can you now adopt, adapt, and apply the ideas an concepts above for use in your business, to have your business communications become more reader friendly, entertaining, non salesy... and yet at the same time... bought from?

Strength programme -- Your t-shirts won't be able to contain your new bulging biceps and rock solid triceps

Self development business/coach - Are you still listening and watching your way to personal development doom, gloom and non-success?  

Diet product - You can't hide those Olympic sized belly fat pounds anymore - because you've only gone and lost them all! 

Meat Grill Restaurant - Eat all you want tonight. In return? Your incredible shrinking bill.           

Memory training - The only memory training course that'll help you make so much money that you'll keep forgetting how much you now make!   

Independent Optician - "Mirror mirror, I think you see; those are the glasses that'll look perfect on me!"    

Dentist - White as snow teeth, comes as standard. Optional extra? A pack of Wrigley's gum.

Cooking recipes - Mother-in-law left in a huff because HER cooking was THAT good!

Derma logical cream - There's no hiding your acne filled face anymore, thanks to this age old wonder cure from the garden

Marketing training - We'll make you a  notoriously despised (yet wild hog profitable) marketer if you follow our unconventional plan   

Pillow manufacturer - "Sorry we opened late, our night watchman fell asleep on one of our pillows and had to be shaken awake"

Tyre seller - Our tyres don't protest at any of the road muck, debris or other gunk on the road. They eat them for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  

Coffee seller - Late for work again!! That's what happens when you start sipping on a mug of Coffee Maniac  

Dog walking/day care - Don't blame us if your beloved pet dog doesn't want to come back home!

Tennis instruction - Tennis balls in mass protests after beginners begin smacking the covers of balls at 30mph faster

Email copywriting services - Eminent Doctor says hospital beds bursting with marketers having severe entertainment by-pass malfunction 

(If you're keen, astute and you look for it, there's a whole marketing and copywriting education inside the above) 

Look, you don't have give in and throw your hands up in wild despair. You don't have to let your business continue with a communication 'mee too, same as everyone else' tag dangling from your neck.  

Because once you start injecting all your communications with the entertainment serum factor, the kind threaded throughout the examples above, you'll see that it's only the beginning of what's possible for you. 

Because what do you think will happen when you begin injecting captivating, enticing, compellingly entertaining, reader friendly copy into the following money creating strategies for your business?

  • Client reactivation programmes 
  • Short term cash flow surges
  • Introducing an obscenely priced product or service option
  • Upselling to additional services or products
  • Follow up communications and campaigns to non-buyers/enquirers
  • Building a continuity element to your business
  • Creating Premium based product or service alternatives
  • Creating a programme of ongoing communications to increase client retention and referral value

Thread the entertainment factor throughout the range of communications and marketing assets required to facilitate the above, and you'll have a business you simply won't recognise. 

Test it and see for yourself.

Want help?
07903 905 802 / raja . hireker @ gmail . com 

  Want to be subscribed to the "Bowlarks and Boolseet" e-Letter for Owners, e-Preneurs & Professionals? Get in touch. 

The core of it? Ongoing fresh ideas freshly baked and pumped out of your idea creation factory is what'll give you the adoring long-lasting patronage and unbroken umbilical cord link with your existing, and soon-to-be, audience who'll only be too happy to give you their money because guess what; you're really the only one that'll listen, that'll share, that'll help them see themselves in a brighter happier light, who'll bring them a daily potent burst of happy citrus that kicks their day into happy productive action.


Tuesday 17 August 2021

Boring quack professionals create boring quack communications

Number one SIN, in marketing, in life in general? 

Being B-O-R-I-N-G.

Nothing makes the mind, body and eyes to want to part company with each other than having a near daily dose of  the mundane, mediocre, non entertaining drivel trying to pass off as 'cool marketing and communications'.

Nothing sends businesses crumbling, than a consistent dose of communication foolishness and quackery.    

Nothing will send your customers scarpering to the hills than the next ho hum boring gargle flooding  their sense doors (aka, deliriously running into the welcoming arms of your competitors)   

And no, you do NOT need an MBA or a string of fancy pants academic qualifications to tell you if something bores the living daylights out of you, or... whether it lights you up and raises your interest, curiosity and lifts you up inside. 

Nothing or no-one can convince us otherwise. We internally know. No advanced science or technology needed. 

And yet...

You don't need to look far to know and notice that we're continually bamboozled with communications and presentations that are stuffed with uninspiring nonsense produced by unthinking minds.  

We're still bored senseless by marketing messaging and sales communications prepared by expensively paid humans who are pretty much following a lazy robotic factory line of un-creativity and un-charming non-entertainment.      

The good news?

I've got 20 ways for you to spark your creativity and writing muscles, into delirious ecstasy. Whether it's your emails, your video posts, facebook messages, blog posts, your articles... it doesn't matter. The creativity and communication techniques and ideas easily transitions across into all media formats.

And that's what you really want; to have your communications spark life and loyalty into those reading your communications and messaging. 

A famous direct marketing copywriter use to say - delay is the death of a sale. I believe that. I also believe boredom is the death of a business and the death of continual stream of happy paying, on-going customers. 

So let me give you one of the 20 ways (number 12 of 20) to spark life and electricity into your communications, right now.

(12.) Give the opposite to what’s considered popular convention and tradition - when most are doing one thing, or believing a popular idea or thought, or are heading in one direction, the best thing you can do is to do the opposite. Head the other way. Think a contrarian, opposite thought. The majority are almost always wrong, about nearly everything. Wedded to tradition. Unshakeable in the dogma and beliefs handed down to them. Putting personality in emails? "Gawd no, that's low and unprofessional. Can't do that. We've a standard and image to uphold…" They're saying that and clinging onto those ideas and beliefs that they’ve no doubt heard somewhere and most probably by someone lauded over in the public eye who has some kind of influence and stature, yet is flat out wrong. Yet, most believe it as the truth whilst at the same time, the mortgage is overdue, the car payment hasn't been made for a few months, debts and bills are mounting...

Now if you like the above, and if you can see a direct correlation and transition into your or your client's marketing and communications by using the above, then you might like the entire 20 creative communication ideas to help fuse and fuel your communications with. 

If you would like that valuable document at zero cost, then send an email to: with "FBM 20" in the email subject line, and I'll send over the pdf to you right away.