Monday 14 August 2023

A "Masterpiece ad" - is a flat out lie (Don't copy)

Here's famous the Ad by legendary ad man, John Caples, selling a piano music course from an American music school:

Twas hailed as a masterpiece.

Still is to this day.

Sold truckloads of courses.

Only one problem.

The story line was a pack of lies.

Yes, it had appeal. Lots of it.

The music school of course, made a fat bundle.

The copywriter hailed as a genius.

And yet, creative license was used to tell a bogus, fictitious story.

So can ANY business make up any story to sell their products or services?

Seems so.

Many probably do.

And yet, there's a very simple, yet very effective way to get your core selling idea.

Something that's NOT rooted in make-believe or falsies.

Believe it or not, winning Jackpot ideas are rooted in the market's bio data and emotional make up.

You just have to look.



Be curious.

Because when you do, you'll find the fears, the concerns, the desires and wants of the marketplace for what it is you sell...

... all laid out for you!

I can't believe the music school mentioned above in Caples's ad, didn't get letters from distraught, frustrated, at the end of their tethers people, who passionately and emotionally, spoke out their frustrations and shortfalls about not being able to play the piano.

Could that not be the REAL basis for their ads?

For example, someone might have written in saying,...

"God, I'm never going to be able to play the piano like my brother/sister!"


"I'm such a loser, I'm never going to learn how to play the piano properly"

Or some kind of variation of that.

And, where they then took the course and how they flourished and how their self confidence shot up, and how they're the life of the party, etc.

And guess what, that's a REAL story with REAL people and REAL language, with REAL emotions and frustrations, all baked in.

No lying or falsifying needed.

Most importantly...

It'll have real visceral connection with the person reading it.

And GOOD NEWS, it doesn't have to be just one ad, as the the differing kind of people in the marketplace wanting piano music courses, is wide and diverse.

There can be a family of ads, all thanks to the frustration letters and the celebration letters the Music school would have no doubt received.

Telling the truth ensures you certainty do not need porky pie lies and suspect creativity to help you sell.

Telling the truth IS your WINNING JACKPOT system for creating endless sales and profits.