Saturday 2 September 2023

How to dilute your marketing voice, right out of the game

There are very few businesses being driven with their own unique personality.

Bluntly, most 'businesses voices and personalities' are either too medicinal and industrial, or just plain timid and non unique.

There are also others creating copycatting versions of some other personality or voice in the marketplace who actually does have clout and positioning and presence.

But, what if you actually do have a unique voice and positioning, (or you want to have that uniqueness from the get go) how do you actually dilute and water down that voice, without you actually realising that it's happening?

One way is to have some other voice represent you in your marketing and communications. And in that process, have them end up not sounding like you at all. A cheap suit version.  

And that happens when someone aiming to represent you, doesn't have a deep understanding of your mannerisms, your little quirks and foibles, your way of structuring sentences, your use of analogies and metaphors, your unique language patterns.    

They've not mastered, you. 

They're not interested in creating an Oscar winning performance for you on your behalf.     

And diluted, fake representations in communications can be spotted a mile away by the right audience, just like a knock off Luis Vuitton clutch bag can be spotted by a keen-eyed bag connoisseur.  

The ever respected pioneers of the direct response marketing world, Jay Abraham and Dan Kennedy, have recently had their personalities in print, be clumsily butchered by cheap representations of those speaking on their behalf's.

For specific reasons (amongst them being lack of time and poor health) their once powerful communications and messages, have been outsourced and as such, given the cheap fake version by those who just haven't locked in to how JA and DK actually think, speak and write.

Now they may think they know. But it certainly doesn't come across in the various communications. 

Now to be fair, the headline of this post doesn't necessarily suggest that they'll both be diluted right out of the marketplace because of having their voices watered down and neutralised by those attempting to sound like them in print (they've too much marketing positioning and embedment into the market's psyche). 

But, it does suggest that if you're an owner, an entrepreneur, a business builder or marketer, you want to find your own unique voice and bring that to the marketplace.

And, to not be a watered down version of anyone else.

Doesn't matter what the industry, business sector or niche...

There's ALWAYS room for the non-conformists, the unconventionals, the contrarians, the thud creators, the rebels with a cause, the bold and the courageous. 

Play the communication and positioning game like everyone else and guess what, you'll quite rightly get labelled and commoditised as a sound-a-like, a mee-too, a samey samey.   

Fact is, many like (and revel in it to some extent) being the tribute band version. 

The AI incarnation of an existing voice. 

No unique creativity or thinking, required. 

And that's probably why it's an acceptable way to be for many.    

It's a path of little to no resistance.

But, when you're the authentic cat on the block, no one can mess with your standing by way of trying to copy it and then create their own marketplace uniqueness.  

Can't happen.    

Richard Branson - unique voice and personality.
Steve Jobs - unique voice and personality
Muhammad Ali - unique voice and personality
Elvis Presley - unique voice and personality

The good news is you do NOT have to be a goliath in the game of business, entertainment or sport in order to create a unique positioning (clue - they all started at one time with just an idea and nothing else, and grew into the giants they were) so... having fat whopping marketplace positioning and access to unlimited resources isn't the name of the game.

Being a unique voice in a marketplace that's filled with conformity and dullness IS the name of the game. 

Want to create a UNIQUE marketplace voice? Then start with getting the FREE BOOK that'll help you find your personality and voice in your writing.               




Monday 14 August 2023

A "Masterpiece ad" - is a flat out lie (Don't copy)

Here's famous the Ad by legendary ad man, John Caples, selling a piano music course from an American music school:

Twas hailed as a masterpiece.

Still is to this day.

Sold truckloads of courses.

Only one problem.

The story line was a pack of lies.

Yes, it had appeal. Lots of it.

The music school of course, made a fat bundle.

The copywriter hailed as a genius.

And yet, creative license was used to tell a bogus, fictitious story.

So can ANY business make up any story to sell their products or services?

Seems so.

Many probably do.

And yet, there's a very simple, yet very effective way to get your core selling idea.

Something that's NOT rooted in make-believe or falsies.

Believe it or not, winning Jackpot ideas are rooted in the market's bio data and emotional make up.

You just have to look.



Be curious.

Because when you do, you'll find the fears, the concerns, the desires and wants of the marketplace for what it is you sell...

... all laid out for you!

I can't believe the music school mentioned above in Caples's ad, didn't get letters from distraught, frustrated, at the end of their tethers people, who passionately and emotionally, spoke out their frustrations and shortfalls about not being able to play the piano.

Could that not be the REAL basis for their ads?

For example, someone might have written in saying,...

"God, I'm never going to be able to play the piano like my brother/sister!"


"I'm such a loser, I'm never going to learn how to play the piano properly"

Or some kind of variation of that.

And, where they then took the course and how they flourished and how their self confidence shot up, and how they're the life of the party, etc.

And guess what, that's a REAL story with REAL people and REAL language, with REAL emotions and frustrations, all baked in.

No lying or falsifying needed.

Most importantly...

It'll have real visceral connection with the person reading it.

And GOOD NEWS, it doesn't have to be just one ad, as the the differing kind of people in the marketplace wanting piano music courses, is wide and diverse.

There can be a family of ads, all thanks to the frustration letters and the celebration letters the Music school would have no doubt received.

Telling the truth ensures you certainty do not need porky pie lies and suspect creativity to help you sell.

Telling the truth IS your WINNING JACKPOT system for creating endless sales and profits.




Friday 12 May 2023

The Finest Argentine Beef? Not when it's described in a boring-as-hell, way!

A worldwide, business choking, cashflow stopping, phenomenon.

What is it?  

Quality products and services represented by weak mediocre ideas and thoughtless boring writing. 

Case in point - 

The following email from Tom Hixon (The world's finest meat, delivered. That's their labelling, not mine)  

Hi Raja

The Black Label Argentine Rioplatense beef is a cross between Hereford and Angus cattle, which are world renowned for it's consistency and delivering exceptional textures and flavours. Save up to 53% off today.

The cuts benefits from the natural skill of our Argentine producers, who ensure that the cattle live a tranquil and relaxed lifestyle through their careful efforts. As a result, the beef is incredibly tender.

Now if you're emotionally salivating over that descriptive ad copy and are ready to order, then you probably need a bunch of tablets.

The best part of that email ad promo?

The picture of the product. (No. Stop. Do not lick the page!) 

The picture renders all that copy, ineffective and unnecessary.

Now what if we were to lead the email with that picture first, and then revamp the ad copy, what kind of effect could that have?  

Let's experiment:


Hi Raja 

Can you smell and taste that! 

Because once you get your face into this mouth-wateringly unputdownable sizzling feast, there'll not be one slice left.  You can't but help drool over another serving of this amazingly succulent, richly flavoursome Black Label Argentine Rioplatense beef. 

Frankly, you're not at all sane if there's anything left in the serving dish!

Thinking of calling a few friends over? 

You might think twice about it once you realise the artisanal Argentine farmers who've raised this spectacular cattle (that are a cross between Hereford and Angus cattle), have you and your gloriously greedy taste buds in mind when they created this spectacular offering. But go on, why not celebrate the delicious Black Label Argentine Rioplatense beef today with friends and family.

Make no mistake - you and your beef will be the talk of the evening! 

And the exciting thing about it? Get 53% off the normal price of this sensational beef.  But you need to act right now to secure your lavish savings because this flavoursome Black Label Argentine Rioplatense beef isn't going to be hanging around for long.

Go here, order now, and start planning that amazing, intensely appetising, unforgettable meal.  

And please, do not send any pictures of you and your guests licking your plates clean... we've enough of them already to fill an entire wall!          


Note any differences?

Well, adopt, adapt and use them for selling and promoting your products and services. 

Now what's the BIG money-making lesson here for us all that'll help businesses grow and scale?

To fuse ALL our communications, promotions, campaigns, ads, emails... with the kind of energy, entertainment, salesmanship and engaging readability that compels curiosity, readership, engagement, consumption and... sales.     

Are you catching on that your communications ARE your business's currency?

And that means... your communications are an asset you'll want to continually refine and develop because not only will you make more money, it'll stand you and your business far apart from all others in your business category who are most likely numbing readers and customers into dull mental submission!  

FREE BOOK to Help You Write Emails That'll Get Opened, Read, Bought From... AND, Can Transform Your Business? 

Monday 13 February 2023

The Ad, email, webinar, presentation, campaign... ISN'T your number one marketing asset. This thing... IS!

Most Owners and Marketers are flat out wrong about the importance and relevance of marketing.

Especially about what constitutes GREAT marketing.

Because look, you can easily think and believe that the ads you write or the emails you put out, or the presentations and webinars you put out, are the primary reasons for business success.

And on the face of it, you'd not be wrong. 

Because you can't really see any other reason for all business success that comes through the output that gets created.

And yet...

The KEY to one's ongoing success is the drive and unrelenting OBSESSION of the owner and leader.


Yes, because the ingredients and nutrients of that obsession and drive, is what then gets packed inside any ad, or email or promotion or campaign or design.

In fact, that obsession runs throughout the entirety of the business's systems and processes.

It's everywhere. Top to bottom. Bottom to top.

Apple didn't just drum up great products, delicious design and desirable communications, right out of thin air.


The businesses' success was driven by the obsession Steve Jobs has for what he wanted to create, and for what he stood for.

Disney didn't just magically produce a business that's endured for decades, that has people talking about it, and who keep on coming back, again and again and again.

Businesses like Apple and Disney aren't firstly about hiring the best marketing, advertising and communication bods. 

It's primarily about the magnificent Obsession Jobs and Disney had for what they wanted to create.

It's about being so good that others can't help telling others about you.

That's where the happy contagious infection happens.

The marketing, the ads, the promotions, all of that fell into line because of said obsession.

Without such an obsession, without such desire and clarity, businesses falter and splutter.

Owners then try to make up for things by turning to marketing and promotion.

That can work. For a short time.

But, those marketing surges and campaigns aren't fuelled and filled with the hot intense passion and desire the owners have for their businesses and ventures.

You can se the gaps and holes. The lack of passion and love for the products and services, leaks out.

That'll be immediately evident and obvious.

There'll be cute marketing tricks and gimmicks leading the charge.

And the lack of fresh creative ideas, the lack of energy, spirit and passion will be there for all to see.

And listen, you do NOT need to have a business the size and scope of Apple or Disney to benefit from having a raging obsession for what you do, for the products and services that you sell and promote.

The best, crazy good marketing and ads for your businesses are not a series of activities or a set of systems or processes.

It's a way of being. It's how you, the owner or leader, are structured internally for what it is you want to produce and create. It's about you having a burning, white hot desire and passion for what it is you stand for and what you then put out into the marketplace.

Your marketing and promotions not really working that well for you?

Then don't go and rifle through your ads and promotions for the answer.

Instead, look inside you, and check what your drive and obsession that you have for your businesses, is like. Check how really committed and turned on you are about what it is you're doing and producing.

Do that, adjust things, and soon you'll find you'll have created some of the best advertising and marketing for your business that you'll have ever had created.

It all comes from your obsession. 

It comes from being so good that others can't help stop telling others about you.  

Be THAT for your business, and then check your success. 

Because YOU are your businesses best marketing asset!  

Get FREE BOOK and proper quality Obsessional help via email to turn your marketing and business success, right around. Simply Click Here. 


Monday 2 January 2023

The (marketing) questions you DON'T ask, can't help you.

Your number ONE asset, is something you ALREADY own.

That being...

Your brain.

More specifically...

Your ability to ask and answer questions IS your number one asset.

Yet, most rarely use that skill to help them solve their most pressing problems or challenges... to ask those searching questions in order to diagnose what's not working well enough. 

And yet, the asking of questions and getting answers is part of the solution formula.

But that's not the end of it.

You've now got to act, you've got to practically do something with the answers you've got to the questions you've asked because of the problem or challenge you were in in the first place!


You'll be back to square one -- having an unsolved issue, problem or challenge. 

Let's make this practical: 

What could be a possible issue you want answers to?

How about -- why is our ad or promotion not as successful as we thought it would be? 

Now if you're an Owner who simply believes that you can't find answers to that question, that or you believe the common canned answers given out by agency owners, consultants and practitioners who say things like...

Don't worry, the market is all messed up at the moment...

It's okay, we just have to run it several more times before we embed the message in the consciousness of the marketplace...

We'll just pay for a bigger sized ad...           

It's probably the time of the month that's caused it...

Give it time, we're building your brand here so it takes time to create the kind of results and awareness we're looking for.

Although response is on the seemingly low side, we're moving in the right direction as we've had great comments from people who loved the ad/campaign.

...then you're heading for more of your money to be flushed down the toilet. 

It's far more profitable for you to ask those difficult and not so difficult questions that'll help you get to the bottom of things so you won't have to repeat those mistakes and errors of judgement that had your ad / marketing campaign, flop.

So what kind of questions should you be asking?

Well, there are literally dozens of them. And in this post, I'll give you a few of them so you can use them and apply them to your marketing ads and promos you've recently created.

But remember, YOU have to generate your own answers to the questions and then, take the necessary practical action based on those answers.

The Questions:

Have we identified exactly WHO our ideal customer target is, and is it reflected in our ad?

What are the emotional hot buttons we are focusing on in our promo piece, and does it reflect the same emotions and pains that are currently being experienced in OUR marketplace?  

Does the headline of our promo hit the right core issue?

Is our ad promo entertaining and compelling?

Is there a specific response mechanism that's easily identifiable?

Are we making an irresistible offer for the product or service being promoted, and does it make the reader drool over what we're offering?

Is the ad, all things to all people (a one size fits all, promo)?

If I had to put my mother's life savings on the line in order to fund this ad, would I do it because of the quality of the ad/promo?

There's obviously more you can ask. A whole lot more.  

Facts are...

You could get even more microscopic with your questions and by doing so, you'll quickly un-earth a intel treasure trove that'll help you create the kinds of ads and promotions in the future that'll be of a much higher quality and standard than the ones you've been putting out. 


They'll not only save your bacon, but they'll also help you build the kind of quality, insanely profitable business you've always wanted.

Keep on asking them.

Because remember --

The questions you DON'T ask, can't actually help you.

Want big marketplace advantage and fatter profits? 

Then be a masterful question asker! 


Want to know what questions to ask that'll get your Email Marketing game good 'n profitable?   
Sign up for the glorious answers, here.


Sunday 1 January 2023

Your marketing and sales results are created by YOUR system

Very few people like hearing that THEY are the reason for their poor marketing results, poor profits, poor morale, poor anything.

Oh, they of course love the celebratory din and back slapping when things go well. When sales are up, when profits are rising. 


When there's low morale, low sales, low profits, high misery?

Then quite naturally, everyone else is to blame for that!

The marketplace's erratic nature is to blame.

Rising costs are to blame. 

Poor marketing advice is to blame.

Competition is to blame.

Government red tape is to blame.  

Customer hibernation is to blame.

Higher taxes are to blame.


And yet.. 

Despite all the above happening...

The core central message remains: 

You created a business and marketing system that takes into account, or doesn't take into account, all those external happenings.

Want different money results?

Then create a different marketing and business system that'll solve those problems for you.   

Now what you can't do is just pray and hope that what you're currently doing from a marketing, lead generation, lead conversion, customer referral and customer retention system, will some how magically produce a different set of results for you than it's currently producing.

Can't happen.

Won't happen.

Trying to force different results with the same operating system is not going to end well for you or your business.  

Like hearing it or not.

That kind of thinking is reserved for non-adults. For the wandering, unfocussed mind. 

Because each system is PERFECT for producing the results it gets. 

And that's a productive framework question for you to apply to any aspect of your business that's coughing and spluttering. (Major hat tip to Steve Sanghvi, Chairman of Microchip for that insight)

Best thing you can do for your business at the start of 2023 that'll spread throughout the entire 12 months ahead?    

Put your business principles, your strategies, your tactics, your marketing systems, your ads, your emails, your promotional campaigns... everything... through the SS framework --

"is each system I'm currently running and operating for the above elements of my business, is it producing the kind of results I want?"    

And when you do that and when you apply that simple one-sentence process, you'll find in some areas, you'll get a definite and categorical NO to the question. 

The good news about that is now you've got something to work with. 

You've got a system that needs to be tweaked, tightened or even, overhauled and recreated.  

And that's how you begin to create different results.           

And 2023 is all about producing different results. 

Stay the same, and you'll soon be yesterday's news. 

So, let's hear the core message again - 

YOUR marketing and sales results are created by YOUR system. 

And EACH system is PERFECT for producing the results it gets. 

Hint: Begin creating a NEW set of systems if you don't like the results you're getting!

[Want to create the kind of systems and communications that compel, inspire and sell? Then sign up here and find out how to do that. And, you'll also get your FREE BOOK on how to write emails that get read, opened and bought from]