Monday 13 February 2023

The Ad, email, webinar, presentation, campaign... ISN'T your number one marketing asset. This thing... IS!

Most Owners and Marketers are flat out wrong about the importance and relevance of marketing.

Especially about what constitutes GREAT marketing.

Because look, you can easily think and believe that the ads you write or the emails you put out, or the presentations and webinars you put out, are the primary reasons for business success.

And on the face of it, you'd not be wrong. 

Because you can't really see any other reason for all business success that comes through the output that gets created.

And yet...

The KEY to one's ongoing success is the drive and unrelenting OBSESSION of the owner and leader.


Yes, because the ingredients and nutrients of that obsession and drive, is what then gets packed inside any ad, or email or promotion or campaign or design.

In fact, that obsession runs throughout the entirety of the business's systems and processes.

It's everywhere. Top to bottom. Bottom to top.

Apple didn't just drum up great products, delicious design and desirable communications, right out of thin air.


The businesses' success was driven by the obsession Steve Jobs has for what he wanted to create, and for what he stood for.

Disney didn't just magically produce a business that's endured for decades, that has people talking about it, and who keep on coming back, again and again and again.

Businesses like Apple and Disney aren't firstly about hiring the best marketing, advertising and communication bods. 

It's primarily about the magnificent Obsession Jobs and Disney had for what they wanted to create.

It's about being so good that others can't help telling others about you.

That's where the happy contagious infection happens.

The marketing, the ads, the promotions, all of that fell into line because of said obsession.

Without such an obsession, without such desire and clarity, businesses falter and splutter.

Owners then try to make up for things by turning to marketing and promotion.

That can work. For a short time.

But, those marketing surges and campaigns aren't fuelled and filled with the hot intense passion and desire the owners have for their businesses and ventures.

You can se the gaps and holes. The lack of passion and love for the products and services, leaks out.

That'll be immediately evident and obvious.

There'll be cute marketing tricks and gimmicks leading the charge.

And the lack of fresh creative ideas, the lack of energy, spirit and passion will be there for all to see.

And listen, you do NOT need to have a business the size and scope of Apple or Disney to benefit from having a raging obsession for what you do, for the products and services that you sell and promote.

The best, crazy good marketing and ads for your businesses are not a series of activities or a set of systems or processes.

It's a way of being. It's how you, the owner or leader, are structured internally for what it is you want to produce and create. It's about you having a burning, white hot desire and passion for what it is you stand for and what you then put out into the marketplace.

Your marketing and promotions not really working that well for you?

Then don't go and rifle through your ads and promotions for the answer.

Instead, look inside you, and check what your drive and obsession that you have for your businesses, is like. Check how really committed and turned on you are about what it is you're doing and producing.

Do that, adjust things, and soon you'll find you'll have created some of the best advertising and marketing for your business that you'll have ever had created.

It all comes from your obsession. 

It comes from being so good that others can't help stop telling others about you.  

Be THAT for your business, and then check your success. 

Because YOU are your businesses best marketing asset!  

Get FREE BOOK and proper quality Obsessional help via email to turn your marketing and business success, right around. Simply Click Here.