Tuesday, 17 August 2021

Boring quack professionals create boring quack communications

Number one SIN, in marketing, in life in general? 

Being B-O-R-I-N-G.

Nothing makes the mind, body and eyes to want to part company with each other than having a near daily dose of  the mundane, mediocre, non entertaining drivel trying to pass off as 'cool marketing and communications'.

Nothing sends businesses crumbling, than a consistent dose of communication foolishness and quackery.    

Nothing will send your customers scarpering to the hills than the next ho hum boring gargle flooding  their sense doors (aka, deliriously running into the welcoming arms of your competitors)   

And no, you do NOT need an MBA or a string of fancy pants academic qualifications to tell you if something bores the living daylights out of you, or... whether it lights you up and raises your interest, curiosity and lifts you up inside. 

Nothing or no-one can convince us otherwise. We internally know. No advanced science or technology needed. 

And yet...

You don't need to look far to know and notice that we're continually bamboozled with communications and presentations that are stuffed with uninspiring nonsense produced by unthinking minds.  

We're still bored senseless by marketing messaging and sales communications prepared by expensively paid humans who are pretty much following a lazy robotic factory line of un-creativity and un-charming non-entertainment.      

The good news?

I've got 20 ways for you to spark your creativity and writing muscles, into delirious ecstasy. Whether it's your emails, your video posts, facebook messages, blog posts, your articles... it doesn't matter. The creativity and communication techniques and ideas easily transitions across into all media formats.

And that's what you really want; to have your communications spark life and loyalty into those reading your communications and messaging. 

A famous direct marketing copywriter use to say - delay is the death of a sale. I believe that. I also believe boredom is the death of a business and the death of continual stream of happy paying, on-going customers. 

So let me give you one of the 20 ways (number 12 of 20) to spark life and electricity into your communications, right now.

(12.) Give the opposite to what’s considered popular convention and tradition - when most are doing one thing, or believing a popular idea or thought, or are heading in one direction, the best thing you can do is to do the opposite. Head the other way. Think a contrarian, opposite thought. The majority are almost always wrong, about nearly everything. Wedded to tradition. Unshakeable in the dogma and beliefs handed down to them. Putting personality in emails? "Gawd no, that's low and unprofessional. Can't do that. We've a standard and image to uphold…" They're saying that and clinging onto those ideas and beliefs that they’ve no doubt heard somewhere and most probably by someone lauded over in the public eye who has some kind of influence and stature, yet is flat out wrong. Yet, most believe it as the truth whilst at the same time, the mortgage is overdue, the car payment hasn't been made for a few months, debts and bills are mounting...

Now if you like the above, and if you can see a direct correlation and transition into your or your client's marketing and communications by using the above, then you might like the entire 20 creative communication ideas to help fuse and fuel your communications with. 

If you would like that valuable document at zero cost, then send an email to: raja.hireker@gmail.com with "FBM 20" in the email subject line, and I'll send over the pdf to you right away.