Monday, 24 February 2020

Want your ads and marketing pieces to make you even more money?

Here's something I learned from what they do at the Microchip Technology company.

Or more accurately put...'s actually a systematized, working practical philosophy that's rolled out through the entire company, in all its divisions. 

And that working philosophy is rooted in the following...

All systems are perfect for producing the results they bring.

Want better performing ads and marketing pieces? 

Well, your current ads and marketing assets are going to produce exactly what they're going to produce... no more, no less.

Now if you want to make more sales, more profits, enjoy longer deeper relationships with your clients and customers (mainly through your written ads and promotions) then you're going to have to change your ads and marketing pieces somewhat. 

In other words...

The COPY you employ to help you sell what you sell... well, that has to change.

So how do you go about making those changes? And, how do you know what are the right changes to make?

Let me tell you a secret... the answer to creating winning profitable ads and communications... is by asking the RIGHT questions!

Now you might be asking... what exactly are the right questions to ask that'll lead you to more sales and more profits?

There are many.

However, let's dig into a few of them just now that'll help trigger and stimulate your thinking.

And yes, you do not have to apply each and every question to all the ads and marketing pieces you want changed to see a difference in results.

What you do need to do however is to let the questions and their resulting answers seep into your brain so you have enough of the necessary raw material to carve out a NEW ad version or a new series of ads. (David Ogilvy used the term, a 'family of ads', to describe it.)

So, let's go...

  • Why are you writing your ads and promos in that specific way that you do?
  • What's the BIG IDEA your ads are based on?
  • Are your ads based on guesswork or, on specific research and info hunting?
  • When was the last time you changed your current ad or promotional pieces?
  • What's the biggest knock-on effect in your business if your ads and marketing pieces don't work out as well as you'd like?
  • Are you targeting (calling out) the right prospect in your ads?
  • Are your ads direct response ads? 
  • Is your headline for the ad compelling and irresistible enough to pull the reader in and to have them want to carry on reading?
  • Are your ads easy to read and understand?
  • Are there clear instructions telling the reader what to do next?
  • Are your ads emotionally compelling and curious enough to keep your reader captivated all the way through your ad? (IE, they're not boring, are they?)
  • Does your ad solve a particular burning problem for your reader and is the solution clear, unique and the best value your prospect can get, anywhere?#

If you're afraid to change your ads and marketing pieces, despite the fact they need drastic altering, then this list of questions which by the way are by no means exhaustive or definite... 

...yet you can cherry-pick from them and see what clicks or connects for you.

And by all means...

...keep coming back to the above list when you want your existing ads and marketing efforts to jump-start into profitable action. 

raja.hireker @