Wednesday 30 October 2024

Communications solves all problems, creates opportunities and openings

Here's a truism that possibly beats the pants of all marketing tactics, hacks and tips. 

What is it?

It's in the title. 


But that's not the end of it.

It's about delivering communications consistently, on time.

Even, ahead of time.

And yet...

The gold rush insanity search still continues for most businesses for that one system, that one media, that one idea, that one tactic, that one hack, that one tip, that one strategy... that'll out do everything else.

Good news.

The above isn't required.

Put the torches and sniffer dogs away.  

Because, whatever kind of current marketing you're employing, when you unleash the communication rocket inside whatever marketing plan you're working to, you'll see results that you'll have not experienced previously.

Take email for example.

ALL online businesses use email to market and sell.

And yet, how many businesses can consistently create the kind of communiations that get opened, read and bought from, and that too, over and over again, the stats on that aren't good reading. 

I heard the great Dan Kennedy mention that it takes most businesses 6 months to get their monthly newsletter written and out the door!

No joke.

I've had past clients cease their newsletters.


Because (in their words) they just didn't have the time or the necessary content to create the thing.

Communication solves all problems, and creates opportunities and openings.

But that single line is what most, simply do not do.

There's lateness in getting back to customers.

There's excuses in not taking care of customer complaints in a timely way.

There's spluttering, umming and erring in getting the next promotion or campaign out the door.

There's delayism and self worth issues going on inside the head of the communicator. 

The emotional head swell gets too much to bear and so things are left unfinished and in floating limbo.  

There's a series of half-baked ideas and strategies lying naked on the marketing floor because of both the greed and scattyness of the owner in wanting to do lots of things at once, yet without the necessary adequate resources to pull it off.

Reputation and positioning is incredibly important, especially online.

And yet, that can all go kaput rather rapidly because of paying scant attention to communicating on time.

Look at any business or personal problem, or opportunity or opening you might be experiencing right now.

Isolate them. 

Put them down on paper.

Look at them then ask yourself these questions -- 

Who am I not communicating to?

Who am I not communicating to in a timely way?      

And if you want to get to the top of the class by way of profit being made, ask this:

What is my communication system for my entire business?

You know what, that last question is both refreshing and cathartic. 


Because you know that once you ask that question, and you take note of the answers it brings forth, you'll see the truth for what it is. 

And by that I mean that you'll see with fresh eyes that your communication system is full of holes and leaking energy all over the place. 

Why is that good?

Because now you get to fix it so it works the way you'd like it to. 

You're done with the inconsistencies, the lethargy, the lacksidasical way your communication systems were implemented, operated and run.

That can be a thing of the past.

Because there's a new communication ninja kid on the block.

Which isn't that ninja at all.

It's simply about creating a timely communication system that's octopussed throughout the business.

Communication solves all problems, creates opportunities and openings. 

And, when it's done with speed and intention, with concerted action and implementation, watch out. 

Because then, you've got yourself an enviable, profitable business machine.   

Let me repeat it again in case it's slipped on by:

Communication solves all problems, creates opportunities and openings. 

Get the little book that'll show you 20 ways to create email content so good that it'll drive your business giddy with profits.   


raja . hireker @ gmail . com